Address: Kväkargården, Kristinehovsgatan 6, 117 29 Stockholm
For information contact Julia Ryberg; tel. 0175-715 69.
Small groups of Friends are known to have existed in Sweden in the 19th century under the care of Norway YM. However, they were all eradicated by the Swedish government and the Lutheran State Church. Sweden Yearly Meeting arose spontaneously from a small worship group which met during World War I.
In 1937 the Meeting was recognised by the government as an independent religious society outside the State Church. Since 1956 Swedish Friends have had their own Meetinghouse in Stockholm called Kväkargården. The Meetinghouse has a meeting room, an office and a library.
About seventy kilometres from Stockholm, Svartbäcken is used for general meetings for business, retreats and children’s summer camps.
Samfundsrådet, a general meeting for business, meets twice a year to carry on business between yearly meetings.
Quaker Service Sweden is a service organisation that sends all donated funds to the specific projects it supports.
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