QCEA ordnar konferens om skydd för flyktingar

QCEA ordnar konferens om skydd för flyktingar

I början av december hålls en kväkarkonferens i Bryssel på temat “Sanctuary Everywhere” (Fristad överallt). Konferensen anordnas av QCEA (Quaker Council for European Affairs) tillsammans med QPSW (Quaker Peace and Social Witnesses). Du kan läsa mer om konferensen på QCEA:s hemsida, där temat presenteras med följande ord:

Sanctuary is a place of refuge and safety. This conference will look at how we transform Europe into a continent of sanctuary, both for all the people who currently live here, and for other people seeking protection.

The conference will be an opportunity for Friends to consider the Quaker work on forced migration, but also much broader issues of what Friends can do to ensure Europe is a continent that values the human dignity of all people. The conference will consider how these issues will be effected by the UK withdrawal from the EU, and the impact that any future withdrawal from the European Convention on Human Rights might have.